What’s the best way to use plums when they are in season? Make the smoothie with them! Plums are very nutritious low-calorie food. One medium-size plum is packed with only 36 calories. I’ve never been an advocate of dieting but this fruit is very good for people who want to lose weight. Plums also contains quite a good amount of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B2.1 And what’s more, they are insanely delicious. So many reasons to eat that wonderful fruit!

- 10 g ginger
- 3 plums
- 1 avocado
- 70 g parsley
- 3/4 cup coconut water
- 1 banana
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp flaxseed
- 205 g zucchini
- Place all ingredients into the blender and whiz till smooth and creamy.
- Berkoff et al. 2013, “Foods that harm, Foods that heal”, p. 167-168